Vicki's Harmonies Way Blog
Do you care deeply about the guidance and education of children? Weekly entries stimulate reflection on children learning as children; according to nature's design; in her habitats; and seen through the eyes of the heart.
Comments welcome!
Harmonies Way Teaching Stories
for Homeschool & School
Visit the Wings of Alaya Publishing site for more on the science and philosophy that inspire the Harmonies Way Process; to download samples of our teaching story curriculum; and to visit our store for curriculum and books.
We invite you to learn about our history,
our philosophy, our curriculum and
our relationships..
the front runner of natural childhood development
in education for over 30 years!
Living Ethics School of Fairview, Tx offers your child an organic, nurturing and joyful learning environment that parallels the philosophies of the greatest thinkers in education.
Living Ethics Trained* teachers cultivate your child's imagination and self expression, while promoting and fostering the genius within them.
*Science proven, tested, documented and accredited for it's authenticity of proven results.
We invite you to learn more about our unique and effective curriculum and techniques under "About Us".
We do Tea Talk and a Tour one Monday a month at 9:15am. Call us for an appointment.
Welcome to
Living Ethics School