The Compassionate Genius
"Let communities radiating the heart's magnanimity embrace the fullness of childhood with reverence for both ecology and psychology. The extent of our awakening as a society to encourage the compassionate genius in our midst is even now flowing into a future that either pinions the wings of the heart or sends it soaring. Our children are destined for transcendence, and the harmonies of the heart can give them wings."
Heart Wings - Vicki Johnston

Living, Loving, Learning
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Harmonies Way Teaching Stories
for Homeschool & School
Visit the Wings of Alaya Publishing site for more on the science and philosophy that inspire the Harmonies Way Process; to download samples of our teaching story curriculum; and to visit our store for curriculum and books.
Vicki's Harmonies Way Blog
Do you care deeply about the guidance and education of children? Weekly entries stimulate reflection on children learning as children; according to nature's design; in her habitats; and seen through the eyes of the heart.
Comments welcome!